I'm glad to hear that girls have a sense of rage, though I wish it wasn't necessary. That gives me some hope, that they may make some change in chipping away at, or eradicating, the patriarchy.

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"Mental illness is a legitimate response to a world out of balance." Exactly. This is why I refuse to fill out those questionnaires on anxiety, depression, etc, that they're now giving out at every dr's visit. First, it's very Big Brother-ish, and second, it appears to want to stigmatize feelings of sadness, nervousness and hopelessness -- vs. acknowledging that if we did NOT feel those things, we would have lost our humanity, and sense of right and wrong.

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Just got chills reading this. My daughters are huge Swift fans, too. Sounds like a pretty nice time, though. You are a very good dad. Something I aspire to be everyday but often fall short of.

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Thanks Damian. We all fall short. Over and over. All we can do is keep trying and trust.

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